Growing up, I lived with my parents and sisters. However, I had a second home- the Urgent Care that was 2 miles up the road from where we lived.
You see, I used to get sick. A lot. I would get bronchitis, strep throat, pneumonia, colds, influenza, sinus infections. Any and all upper respiratory infections, I got it.
Every time I got sick, whether it was viral or bacterial, they would prescribe me antibiotics. Over my lifetime, I'd guess that I've had over 30 courses of antibiotics.
In my early 20's I was almost 200 pounds, smoked weed daily, drank alcohol regularly, was on Adderall, ate fast food and lots of other processed foods, and didn't have a regular sleep schedule. I ended up catching pneumonia again, but this time, after taking the antibiotics, weird things started to happen.
My tongue was covered in white. I developed a horrible tendinitis in my knee. I dealt with stomach issues. But the worse symptom of all was sever discomfort in my prostate. Do you know how humiliating and painful it is to suffer from prostate issues as a 20 year old? I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy.
I ended up going to many doctors to try and solve my knee and prostate issues, but none could see anything wrong from their end. I was left lost and hopeless.
What I now know is that I was suffering from a candida overgrowth due to the over prescription of antibiotics that ended up killing the good bacteria that was in my body.
After learning to love myself deeper by detoxing, going to a plant based, then raw diet, cutting out all recreational and pharmaceutical drugs, I can proudly say that I am not only candida free, but don't even get sick anymore. Once I cleaned up my lifestyle my immune system started operating as it should have again.
We now have our entire family on an alkaline plant based diet. My wife and I both eat 100% raw foods, as do our 2 toddlers, and our teenager eats a predominantly raw diet with some cooked foods. We all continue to experience deeper levels of healing due to our lifestyle changes.
If you've had a battle of your own that you've overcome or are on your own path currently, I commend you, support you, and love you, because I know the hell that you've gone through to create a better you.
Once you learn to love yourself deeper and want better for yourself, your mind will be lifted of anxiety, your body will be lifted of pain, and your soul will be lifted of the conditioning that stopped you from loving yourself deeper